Treating Co-Occurring Addiction
& Mental Health Issues
Addiction and mental illness often have a close relationship. When an individual is struggling with undiagnosed or untreated mental health issues, they can sometimes turn to alcohol, drugs or other substances to cope. Addiction itself can also cause mental health issues, as the complications it creates can cause disruption in relationships at home and at work.
Addiction treatment at Peachford Hospital is designed to treat adults and adolescents with alcohol or drug-related problems and psychiatric issues. When addictive behavior and mental illness create problems that prohibit the patient and family from functioning, our comprehensive program assists in stabilizing the situation.
Addiction treatment is available across multiple levels of care for adolescents and adults.
A 12-Step recovery program provides a framework for treating the addictive process, while a multidisciplinary treatment approach is utilized to address any mental health concerns. Our professional team includes psychiatrists, addictionists, social workers, registered nurses, certified substance abuse counselors and activity therapists. As a team, they take an approach that optimizes success by bringing a diversity of perspectives to the forefront of treatment.
Treatment includes a combination of group and family therapies facilitated by our mental health professionals. The treatment team focuses on helping the patient recognize his or her behavior patterns and developing healthier ways of relating to and coping with stress. Group therapy facilitates the sharing of feelings and experiences with others who have similar problems. Pertinent issues related to addictive disorders such as shame, grief, anger, control and trust are comprehensively addressed.
Emphasis is placed on education, addressing all aspects of the addictive process, including the disease concept, family issues and relapse prevention strategies. The treatment program places a strong focus on discharge planning and aftercare, to ensure long-term success.
We’re Here to Help
Asking for help often feels like a scary hurdle to jump, but we’re here to walk you through it. Take the first step in discovering what life without crisis can feel like. Call Peachford Hospital at 770-455-3200 or visit our facility for a no-cost, confidential assessment by one of our licensed behavioral health professionals. We’re available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to help determine your individual needs and help find the best program for you or your loved one. For additional questions about our programs, call us or submit your inquiry through our online contact form. In the case of a medical emergency or crisis, please dial 911 or go to the nearest emergency room.